About Me…
I am a 34 yr. old, stay at home mom with three children. Morgan is 14, McKenzie 6, and Mason 18months. We live a very full and busy life. I feel like I am very blessed to have the life that I do, God has been very good to me.
I was raised by my mother in a small town in West Texas, and I moved to San Antonio eight years ago with my husband. He seems to appreciate my zany attitude and unconventional ways of doing things, considering that he was raised in a very conservative house hold. I think that he just keeps me around sometime because I make him laugh. Well, that and I can cook.
A few weeks ago I took a trip to Ft. Worth with my husband. He had to work and I tagged along for the ride. The ride was nice, we talked and then he had to prepare for his lecture. While he did this I put on my IPod and listened to Michel Buble’. I drove and sang and even danced a little. I sang so loud, Adam really couldn’t concentrate on his work. But still sang. To be honest with you I can’t really remember the last time I sang and danced in the can. Most of the time the car rides consists of driving the kids around to where they need to be. I do enjoy some of the car pool conversations with the teenage girls when they are not interrupted by ringing cell phones. I have learned that if you want to know what is going on. DRIVE THEM AROUND, you would be amazed what they will tell you.
Anyway, on Friday I went to visit my grandmother whom I had not seen in twenty years. This is a big thing for me, because to be honest with you I really do not do a lot of new things, and to walk into a room to see a woman who you do not really know very well, not knowing what she thinks and feel is a little bit scary. I had to wait for what seemed like almost an hour for her to finish her lunch. So I went in to a waiting room. Teary eyed and scared. Then I stopped and prayed. I thanked God for my relationship with my husband, even through the tough time, we always see The BIG Picture. I thanked him for blessing me with three healthy children. And I prayed for guidance; to help me be a courageous and strong woman. And then I though….I AM A STRONG COURAGOUS WOMAN OF GOD. At that moment, she was wheeled in to see me and we sat and visited.
We talked for about 2 hours mostly about family members that I hardly know. Then she told me the oddest thing. I knew that she had worked in a health food store for many years, and she actually used to be somewhat of a health nut, which is a bit odd since she liked to drink a little too much. Then she told me that she retired at the age of 60, but wished that she would have stayed and worked longer, she said that she could have worked for at least ten more years, she is 83 now. WORKED? This had stayed in my mind until today. She said that when she retired that she has big plans to travel and see the things that she always wanted to see. But she never did, so she should have just stayed and worked, plus she enjoyed the people that she worked with. I have never been the same since this conversation.
To sum it up this is how this little adventure began. I thought of what do I want to do. Who am I? Well, besides a wonderful wife and mother. What type of relationships do I want to have? What memories do I want to reflect on when I am 83? This is not about being unhappy with my lovely family who I know that I am still growing and cultivating, but the other relationships in my life. The relationships that help me become a stronger daughter, sister, friend and woman. So this is where the crazy idea begins…. Now where it takes me, that is another blog on it’s own.